Burning Buffalo
With smoked herbs & hot spices
The Nutty Farmer’s spicy life is always full of adventure!
When the sun is shining, he loves barbecuing with friends. With his secret, homemade mix of spices which he brought back with him from a trip to Texas, he surprises his friends time and time again. That is how the evening always begins, but you never know how it will end… With the Burning Buffalo flavour, he wants to share this adventurous mix of spices with everyone.

Burning Buffalo
With smoked herbs & hot spices
Not only is the Nutty Farmer Fréderic nuts about nuts, but he’s also a bit loco about many other things too! For him, life is one big adventure and he always throws himself into things 100%! He loves to discover pastures new and no adventure is too big for him.
During one of his many trips around the world he fell head-over-heels in love with Africa, mainly because of its fantastic nature and wild animals. So it’s no coincidence that this is where the best cashew nuts can be found. The Nutty Farmer brought some back to Belgium and after a few experiments and a dash of magic, the 4 unique flavours were born. The nuts are 100% fair trade, cultivated with huge respect and consideration for small farming families and nature in Burkina Faso, and each flavour is named after a wild, African animal.